2022 Cucci Fashion Idol Show


The 2022 Cucci FASHION IDOL competition kicked off in Changsha, Capital of Central China's Hunan On Feb. 26.  The show has been to tianjin, Harbin, Changchun, Qingdao, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Foshan, Suzhou, Nanjing and many other cities, and has a wide influence in the domestic and international fashion field.



      Minghe Group provided one-stop services for this events, Including the visual design,  stage lighting, LED display and technical support.

      Lots of Lights have been used in this activity, MH-L1200_PROFILE, MH-380_BEAM and MH-550-BEAM, MH-1400-WASH, MH-550-BSW, presenting a noble, quality and luxury feeling, Telling the legendary story and aesthetic concepts of GUCCI, Perfectly presents the collision and integration of fashion an art, through the contrast of light, The Models on the stage exude their unique light and become the most dazzling stars.

